Prof. Park Birth Anniversary - 2024

Season's Greetings,
ISA has decided to celebrate Prof’s Birth Anniversary (11 March) as a Global Event.
The Global President Dr. Park Minchul desires all Sujok lecturers, members and enthusiasts to participate wholeheartedly in this event.
ISA has formulated the following 3 programs during March 2024 on this occasion.
1. FREE INTRODUCTORY SUJOK COURSE: (recommended to organise only on 25th March 2024)
All registered ISA members having any kind of authorized lectureship can organize “Free Introductory Course”. Education Department of ISA will issue course certificates in advance for this purpose free of cost.
The required data must be furnished to ISA within 30 days of the event.
Organizers of this event will receive a special Appreciation Certificate / Memento from ISA and will also get a substantial discount in “SIC-2024” to be organized in Delhi, India in October - 2024. Details are as follows.
Target (Number of Students) Award
Up to 100 students : Appreciation Certificate (AC)
200+students : AC+20% discount
300+ students : AC+ Award +30% discount
500+students : AC+ Award +50% discount
For required certificates please contact your State / Zone representatives or ISA administrative Head Office at Nagpur.
2. SUJOK AWARENESS TALK (Can be organized during the entire March)
ISA-authorized members can also organize Sujok Awareness talk/s of 1-2 hours in schools, colleges, institutes, clubs etc. to spread Sujok in society.
Organizers of such programs will be awarded an Appreciation Certificate / Memento and discount in “SIC-2024” as follows.
Number of Talks Award
Up to 6 : Appreciation Certificate (AC)
7 + : AC+20%
15 + : AC +30% + Award
25 + : AC +50% + Award
3. FREE TREATMENT CAMPS (Can be organized during entire March)
All practicing ISA members can also organize Free Sujok Treatment camps in the month of March. Each camp should be organized at least for 2-3 days to evaluate the patients’ feedback. Organisors of such camps will be awarded an Appreciation Certificate / Memento and discount in “SIC-2024” as follows.
Number of Camps Award
Up to 3 : Appreciation Certificate (AC)
4 + : AC + Award + 25%
7 + : AC + Award + 50%
Note: All the aforementioned awards for each event are subject to validation with supportive data/documents and event photographs.
Please note that soft copy of all required material will be provided by ISA and will also be available on the website All organizers must use ISA recommended banner/ material required for any activity failing which s/he will not be entitled to the awards specified above
General Norms for Awards
All activity should be organised between 11th March to 11th April 2024 only
Organizers must use ISA-recommended material/banners for all such activities
A minimum of 5 photographs for each event should be submitted to ISA within the specified time frame.
All photographs must contain an ISA banner the information about such an event. Date, place & event name should be visible
Events supported by media/news coverage will be considered in priority for any awards category.
Joint events like Treatment Camps where more than 1 people are involved will be entitled to Group awards only.
Introductory Course PPT's for Download
* Kindly Edit Banners according to your need. Do Not change Logo / Design.