Sujok Therapy & Smile Meditation Awareness Seminar in USA
International Sujok Association is proud to announce Sujok & Smile Meditation awareness activities at United States of America in various cities during 23rd June to 10th July 2016.
The main purpose of the above activity is to spread the knowledge of Sujok & triorigin Science to the citizens of the USA and make them aware about very handy, simple and Harm free techniques to heal themselves.
The Seminar Would be Conducted by The prominent & Authorized Sujok Lecturers namely SJ T. Asha devi sarda (Founder, Sujok Clinic & Research centre - a Global level R & D centre run by ISA & Treasurer of ISA - India), SJ T. Bhupinder Kaur (One of the Senior Lecture of Sujok & Smile meditation & Core Member of ISA - India), SJ T. Manisha Karmore & SJ T. Priya Maheshwari (Senior Therapists - Sujok Clinic & Research centre & Member of Core committee - ISA - Nagpur)
The Program will take place according to below mentioned schedule & it will contains Free demo Lectures on Sujok & Smile Meditation followed by treatment & counseling Sessions for the benefits of the citizens of USA. Dr. Minchul Park, The Global President of ISA has requested to get maximum benefit of this activity. For more details you may contact us to info@sujok.com